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Anderson Baranov

Anderson Baranov

Anderson Baranov is a business administrator with over 30 years' experience in leadership roles in the areas of Stakeholders Engagement, communication, compliance, innovation, sustainability and business development.
Senior Vice President of External Affairs at Norsk Hydro, he works in the aluminum production chain, connecting and articulating with the main stakeholders, enabling the feasibility of important projects linked to logistics, energy, technology and social projects, generating a safe environment for Hydro's operations in Brazil.
An executive in the sector for more than 20 years, Anderson Baranov has played a significant role in important sector associations in Brazil and abroad as president and member of boards of directors, such as ABAL (Metal - President of the Board), SIMINERAL (Mining - President of the Association), IBRAM (mining - Board of Directors), ABRACE (energy - Vice President of the Board), ABTP (logistics – Bord of Directors) and now a member of the ABRATEEC Board.

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